Preliminary Programme

  • Morning 1/2 Tumors of the CNS

    Moderator: Nataša Šuštar

    Morning 2/2 Neuromuscular / Rare

    Moderator: Tanja Loboda

    Time Authors Title
    TBD Luca Bello
    University of Padova, Italy
    Clinical variability in neuromuscular disease

    Afternoon Session: Free topics

    Time Authors Title
    TBD Donna Ferreiro
    University of California, San Francisco, USA

    Women in Science
  • Morning 1/2 Epilepsy

    Moderators: Mirjana Perkovič Benedik, Ružica Kravljanac

    Morning 2/2 Neonatal Neurology

    Moderator: Aneta Soltirovska Šalamon

    Time Authors Title
    TBD Donna Ferreiro
    University of California, San Francisco, USA
    Neonatal & childhood stroke
    TBD Sonia Bonifacio
    Sanford University, USA
    Neonatal Neurocritical Care 

    Afternoon  To be declared

    Time Authors Title
    TBD George Rodesch
    Hôpital FOCH & Hôpital Foundation Rotschild,
    Paris, France
    A surgical approach to arterio-venous malformations
  • 9.00 - 11.35: Neurosurgery Arnold-Chiari

    Chairpersons: Peter Spazzapan, Tita Butenko

    Time Authors Title
    9.00 - 9.20 Peter Spazzapan,
    Pediatric neurosurgery, UMCL
    Pathogenesis and natural history of Chiari malformation
    9.20 - 9:40 Tita Butenko
    Pediatric neurology, UMCL
    Neurological examination in Chiari malformation
    9.40 - 10:00 Francesco Tuniz
    Neurosurgery, Udine, Italy
    Syringomyelia and Chiari malformation
    10.00 - 10.20 Miha Vodičar
    Orthopedic clinic, UMCL
    Scoliosis and Chiari malformation
    10.20 - 10.40 Karin Pristacher
    Neurosurgery, Graz, Austria
    Associated malformations: craniosynostosis, hydrocephalus, tethered cord
    10.40 - 11.00 Valentina Baro, Luca Denaro
    Pediatric neurosurgery, Padova, Italy
    Neurosurgical indications - Are we operating too many children?
    11.00 - 11.20 Giorgio Giuffre, Marina Mazzucco
    Neurosurgery, Treviso, Italy
    Neurosurgical techniques and complications
    11.20 - 11.35 Discussion  

    11.35 - 11.55: Coffee break
    11.55 - 13.40: Neuromuscular / Rare 1

    Chairpersons: Tanja Loboda, Ivan Lehman

    Time Authors Title
    11.55 - 12.40 Guillaume Canaudndres
    Hôpital Necker-Enfants Malades, France
    13.00 - 13.20 Eva Vrščaj, Tanja Loboda, Damjan Osredkar
    UMCL, Slovenia
    SMA patients switchig from nusinersen to risdiplam
    13.20 - 13.40 Eva Vrščaj, Damjan Osredkar
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Thrombotic microangiopathy after onasemnogene abeparvovec

    13.40 - 14.20: Lunch break
    14.20 - 16.15: Neuromuscular / Rare 2

    Chairpersons: Tanja Loboda, Ivan Lehman

    Time Authors Title
    14.20 - 15.05 Roche Symposium
    Andres Nascimento Osorio
    Sant Joan de Déu, Spain

    Clinical Experiences with Evrysdi in Spain. A Review of SMA Treatment Outcomes
    15.05 - 15.25 Ivan Lehman
    KBC Zagreb, Croatia
    Croatia’s Journey in SMA Care: Advancements in Gene Therapy and Newborn Screening
    15.25 - 15.45 Rok Kučan, Tanja Loboda, Tanja Golli, Tomaž Prelog
    UMCL, Slovenia
    GBS after treatment of T-cell lymphoma
    15.45 - 16.15 Biogen Symposium
    Tita Butenko
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Novel treatment option for Friedreich ataxia

    16.15 - 16.35: Coffee break
    16.35 - 17.55: Immune-mediated neurological diseas 1 

    Chairpersons:  Jasna Jančić & Neli Bizjak

    Time Authors Title
    16.35 - 16.55 Kevin Rostasy
    Department of Pediatric Neurology,
    Children’s Hospital Datteln,
    University Witten/Herdecke, Datteln, Germany
    Spectrum of autoimmune mediated diseases of the CNS in children
    16.55 - 17.15 Tatjana Pekmezović
    University of Belgrade,
    Institute of Epidemiology, Serbia
    Epidemiology of MS in children and adolescents
    17.15 - 17.35 Jasna Jančić
    Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry
    for Children and Youth, Belgrade, Serbia
    Challenges in treating MS in childhood and adolescence
    17.35 - 17.55 Jelena Drulović
    MS Centre, Clinic of Neurology,
    University Clinical Centre of Serbia in Belgrade, Serbia
    Brain-health time matters: Early intervention is critical in multiple sclerosis

  • 9.00 - 11.00: Immune-mediated neurological diseas 2

    Chairpersons:  Jasna Jančić, Neli Bizjak

    Time Authors Title
    9.00 - 9.20 Blažo Nikolić 
    Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry
    for Children and Youth, Belgrade, Serbia
    Evoked potentials: Current and future biomarkers in childhood and adolescence multiple sclerosis
    9.20 - 9.40 Gregor Brecl Jakob
    Department of Neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Clinical and Paraclinical correlates of neurodegeneration in MS
    9.40 - 10.00 Neli Bizjak
    Department of Pediatric Neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Acute Visual Loss in Children: Optic Neuritis vs Optic Neuropathy
    10.00 - 10.20 Nelica Radovič Ivanović
    Institute for Children's diseases, Clinical center
    of Montenegro
    Immune-mediated cerebellar ataxia: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
    10.20 - 10.40 Jadranka Sekelj Fureš
    Children’s Hospital Zagreb, Croatia
    Therapeutic effect of MET and HET in Croatian POMS patients- where do we stand?

    11.00 - 11.20: Coffee break
    11.20 - 14.35: Neurointensive care

    Chairpersons: Petja Fister

    Time Authors Title
    11.20 - 11.50 Astra Zeneca Symposium
    Neli Bizjak
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Pyridoxine-responsive seizures. Insights and the link to hypophosphatasia
    11.50 - 12.35 Joseph Scafidi, DO, M.S.
    Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins
    School of Medicine, USA
    Critical Periods of pre- and post-natal brain development - Online
    12.35 - 12.55 Tanja Kranjc Božič
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Traumatic brain injury
    12.55 - 13.15 Maša Bizjak, Tanja Dukič Vukovič
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Dissection of vertebral artery – a case report
    13.15 - 13.35 Urška Mahne, Peter Spazzapan
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Postoperative treatment of pediatric neurosurgical patients
    13.35 - 14.05 Barbara Plecko
    LKH-Univ.-Klinikum Graz, Austria
    Advances in the treatment of neurometabolic disorders
    14.05 - 14.35 Pavel Kršek
    Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University,
    Czech Republic
    Genetic testing as a standard component of pre-surgical evaluation of pediatric drug-resistant epilepsy
    14.35 - 15.05 PTC Symposium
    Damjan Osredkar
    UCML, Slovenia
    Aromatic Amino Acid Decarboxlase Deficiency (AADCd)

    15.05 - 15.30: Lunch
    15.30 - 18.30: Epilepsy

    Chairpersons:  Mirjana Perkovič Benedik, Ružica Kravljanac

    Time Authors Title
    15.30 - 16.00 BioMarin Symposium
    Igor Prpić
    Pediatrična klinika KBC Reka, Croatia
    The different faces of CLN2
    16.00 - 16.20 Ružica Kravljanac
    Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia
    Is the current definition of status epilepticus applicable in children?
    16.20 - 16.40 Vladimir Oparnica, Ružica Kravljanac
    Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia
    Etiology and clinical features of status epilepticus in children – the experience of tertiary center
    16.40 - 17.00 Zvonka Rener Primec, Mirjana Perkovič Benedik
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Vagus nerve stimulation for pharmacoresistant epilepsy
    17.00 - 17.20 Djordje Kravljanac
    Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia
    Severe „epiburns“ in children
    17.20 - 17.40 Sofija Popović, Ružica Kravljanac,
    Biljana Vučetić Tadić

    Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia
    Central apnea – ictal phenomenon or not?
    17.40 - 17.50 Filip Duma
    North Macedonia
    Unoperable child with resistant epilepsy with a long hystory of seizures and unsuccsesful tretament
    17.50 - 18.20 Swixx BioPharma Symposium
    Mirjana Perković Benedik
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Treatment of refractory epilepsies with novel antiseizure medications
    18.20 - 18.30 Damjan Osredkar
    UMCL, Slovenia
    Closing remarks