Preliminary Programme

  • Session 1:
    Moderators: Peter Spazzapan
    Session 2:
    Moderators: Tanja Loboda

    Session 3:
    Moderators: Zvonka Rener Primec & Tita Butenko 
    Session 4:
     Jasna Jančić & Neli Bizjak 
  • Session 5:
    Moderators: Anja Troha Gergeli 

    Session 6:
    Tadeja Hostnik & Petja Fister 
    Session 7:
    Moderators: Ružica Kravljanac & Mirjana Perkovič Benedik 
    Session 8:
    Moderators: Jasna Oražem & Nataša Šuštar
  • Session 1:
    Development of connectivity in the human fetal brain: synapse-rich compartment and axonal pathways
    Ivica Kostović, Croatian Institute for Brain Research · School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia
    Approach to cortical malformations - pre- and postnatal imaging, clinical presentation and genetic diagnosis
    Tally Sagie, Edith Wolfson medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel
    Development of prenatal MR imaging at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana
    Tina Vipotnik, Dpt. of Radiology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Uncovering Early Predictors of Cerebral Palsy through the Application of Machine Learning
    Sara Rapuc, Blaž Stres, Damjan Osredkar, Miha Lučovnik, Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Differential diagnosis of neonatal hypotonia - don't miss Prader Willi syndrome
    Gordana Kovačević, University of Belgrade, Insitute for Mother and child care of Serbia
    Neurological Outcome in Children of Mothers With Antiphospolipid Syndrome
    Mojca Zajc, Dpt. of Pediatric immunology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Satellite Symposium Immedica Pharma: Arginase 1 Deficiency - Challenges of early diagnostics

    15 minutes COFFEE BREAK

    Session 2:

    Correlation between Phenotype and Genotype in CTNNB1 Syndrome
    Nina Žakelj, David Gosar, Jasna Oražem Mrak, Damjan Osredkar, Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of migraine in childhood and adolescence - single center experience
    Tamara Ristić, Child and Youth Healthcare Institute of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
    The genetic landscape of LGG in Slovenian pediatric cohort
    Nataša Šuštar, Barbara Faganel Kotnik, Zvonka Rener Primec, Jernej Mlakar, Jože Pižem, Lidija Kitanovski, Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Overview of Friedreich's Ataxia
    Shpresa Pula, University College London Hospitals NHS, UK
    "Stroke stat" care
    Kaja Silič, Zvonka Rener Primec, UMCL, Slovenia
    Satellite Symposium

    Session 3:

    Title TBD
    Barbara Gnidovec Stražišar, General Hospital Celje, Slovenia
    Sleep quality and tic severity in school children with Tourette syndrome
    Tjaša Vranetič, Gorjan Tasevski, Staša Stropnik, Jasna Oražem Mrak, Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia

    15 minutes COFFEE BREAK

    Session 4:

    Clinical presentation of neurocutaneous syndromes - tertiary center experience
    Jovana Bedjik, Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia
    Epilepsies in Neurocutaneus Syndromes
    Aleksandar Dimitrijević, University Children's Clinic Tiršova, Serbia
    Molecular targeted therapy for patients with NF type 1
    Tanja Golli, Milica Stefanović, Tanja Loboda, Dpt. of Pediatric Neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    The challenges of surgery of neurofibromas in children with NF1
    Djordje Kravljanac, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia
    Best practices for the clinical management of chronic pain in children and adolescents
    Minna Ståhl, Hatanpää Hospital, Finland
    Satellite Symposium 
  • Session 5:
    Functional neurological disorders
    Kasia Kozlowska, The Children's Hospital at Westmead Clinical School, University of Sydney, Australia
    Where the mind meets the body - Changing the paradigm of understanding and treatment of functional neurological disorders
    Borče Micev, Dpt. Of Child Psychiatry, UMCL, Slovenia
    Session 6:

    The future of screening programs,
    Laurent Servais, MDUK Oxford Neuromuscular Centre, United Kingdom
    Satellite Symposium Novartis: Single centre experience with onasemnogene abeparvovec therapy in SMA
    Markéta Kumhera
    Change of paradigm and new therapeutic challenges in treatment of SMA patients
    Dimitrije Nikolić, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, University Children Clinic, Serbia
    Satellite Symposium Roche: Spinal muscular atrophy in the era of new treatments
    Laurent Servais, MDUK Oxford Neuromuscular Centre, United Kingdom
    Session 7:
    Muscular dystrophy
    Gordana Kovačević, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Instutute for Mother and Child Health Care of Serbia
    ActiLiege Next - how to use technology to follow NMD patients
    Eva Vrščaj, Tanja Golli, Damjan Osredkar, Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Novel therapeutic approaches to treatment of rare diseases
    Damjan Osredkar, Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Satellite Symposium

    15 minutes COFFEE BREAK

    Session 8:
    Epilepsy surgery in children
    Thomas Cloppenborg, Bethel Epilepsy Center, Mara Hospital, Bielefeld, Germany
    Assessment of genetic aetiology in children with pharmacoresistant epilepsy in a tertiary centre over a two-year period
    Karmen Krejan, Ana Katarina Žgajnar, Neli Bizjak, Damjan Osredkar, Mirjana Perkovič Benedik in sod., Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Pyridoxine responsive epilepsy - the outcome predictors
    Ružica Kravljanac, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Institute for Mother and Child Healthcare of Serbia
    The role of corticosteroids and IVIG in treatment of childhood epileptic encephalopathies
    Nikola Ivančević, Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry for Children and Youth, Belgrade, Serbia
    Exome sequencing data, MRI and clinical heterogeneity in 514 patients with epilepsy
    Mihael Rogač, KIGM, UMCL, Slovenia
    Status Epilepticus in Sleep
    Nelica Ivanović Radović, Institute for child disease, Clinical centre of Montenegro
    Epilepsies in Children With Cerebral Palsy
    Ljiljana Globarević, Institute for child disease, Clinical centre of Montenegro
    15 minutes COFFEE BREAK

    Session 9:

    The microbiome and non-communicable diseases: wgs and chemistry
    Blaž Stres, Institute Jožef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia
    Cerebral Palsy and Genetics
    Ana Trebše, Ula Arkar, Mihael Rogač, Jernej Kovač, Damjan Osredkar, Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Genetic diagnostics of mitochondrial diseases
    Jernej Kovač, Institute for Special Laboratory Diagnostics, UMCL, Slovenia
    Diagnostic yield of genetic, metabolic and imaging studies in children with global developmental delay
    Airin Veronese, Damjan Osredkar, Luca Lovrečič, Anja Troha Gergeli, Dpt. of Pediatric neurology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Safety and tolerability of full spectrum cannabis oil (CBD:THC 10:1) for treatment of spasticity in children and young adults with cerebral palsy
    Milica Stefanović, Zvonka Rener Primec, Damjan Osredkar, David Neubauer, Department of Oncology, UMCL, Slovenia
    Child-parent professional approaches in preventing and managing pain in children with cerebral palsy
    Darko Milaščevič, Hôpital Armand Trousseau, Paris, France